Episode 30: The Connecticut COVID-19 Test Spotter App (Part 1)
By The Shiny Dev Series Team
March 23, 2022
Resources mentioned in the episode
- COVID-19 At-Home Test Spotter (App) - ketchbrookanalytics.shinyapps.io/covid_test_spotter
- COVID-19 At-Home Test Spotter (Code) - github.com/ketchbrookanalytics/covid_test_spotter
- App blog post - www.ketchbrookanalytics.com/post/ketchbrook-analytics-launches-website-to-help-connecticut-residents-find-covid-19-test-kits
- Olivia Adams' interview with CNN - www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/02/08/software-developer-builds-simple-massachusetts-covid-19-vaccine-website-olivia-adams-intv-newday-vpx.cnn
- R Packages by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan - r-pkgs.org
Shiny vignette - symbolixau.github.io/googleway/articles/googleway-vignette.html#shiny
Episode Timestamps
00:00:00 Episode Introduction
00:01:31 Mike’s introductiona and journey with R & Shiny
00:07:20 Data science consulting and Ketchbrook Analytics
00:11:40 Olivia Adams' inspiring story
00:17:40 Demo of Mike’s COVID-19 At-Home Test Spotter App
00:31:55 App code introduction
00:32:10 googleway package integrating the Google Maps API
00:36:25 Pulling addresses from map searches
00:41:10 Using MongoDB for records collection
00:43:15 bslib to simulate the multi-page app experience
00:46:20 Episode wrapup
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