Episode 9: Shiny Dev Center & Education with Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
By The Shiny Dev Series Team
March 10, 2020
Resources mentioned in the episode
- Shiny Gallery: shiny.rstudio.com/gallery
- Shiny Tutorials: shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial
- Reprex guide for Shiny questions on RStudio Community: community.rstudio.com/10001
- 2020 Shiny Contest information: blog.rstudio.com/2020/02/12/shiny-contest-2020-is-here
- Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham: mastering-shiny.org
Episode Timestamps
00:56 Mine Introduction.
03:01 Shiny Gallery - walkthrough and recent revamp.
04:15 Shiny Demos - live examples and deep-dive into shiny's features.
05:20 Shiny User Showcase - A large set of example shiny apps, by the Shiny community. Including code on github, and interactive code on rstudio.cloud.
06:10 Shiny Contest 2019 lead to the revamp of the showcase.
09:00 Example running an app on the Shiny Showcase interactively with rstudio.cloud.
12:40 Shiny Gallery walkthrough - Mine's learnings from reviewing the Shiny apps on the gallery. There's a lot to learn from, but Mine highlighted just a few:
13:40 1. BYOD Apps - Bring your own data shiny app best practices.
14:42 2. App Walkthroughs and jintrojs package. iSEE Shiny App.
17:15 3. Apps that don't look like Shiny apps.
17:30 Example 1. 69 Love Songs by the Magnetic Fields.
18:25 Example 2. Uber explorer app - another example that doesn't look like a standard shiny app.
19:04 Example 3. CRAN Explorer.
19:55 Example 4. Hex memory game. An example of a game Shiny app.
22:15 Teaching and Educational Materials for Shiny - Shiny development has its own set of challenges and Mine spends a lot of time thinking about teaching Shiny.
23:45 Learn Shiny tutorial - a nice short intro to Shiny. Includes written articles, videos, and code examples. shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial.
24:30 Asking good questions about the issues you're having with your Shiny app. What are good workflows for seeking help? Barret's Shiny debugging and reprex guide http://community.rstudio.com/t/10001
26:17 Materials for intermediate Shiny users. Articles on shiny.rstudio.com, workshop and conference videos, and a call to the Shiny Community.
28:00 Also for advanced Shiny developers, Hadley's Mastering Shiny book. Coming late 2020 mastering-shiny.org.
30:10 Shiny Contest 2020 - learnings from last year's contest, and advice to folks submitting to the next contest. https://blog.rstudio.com/2020/02/12/shiny-contest-2020-is-here/
39:12 Shiny Dev Series Outtro