Episode 6: shinyjqui and advanced user interfaces
By The Shiny Dev Series Team
October 25, 2019
package that unlocks the power of JQuery for Shiny. Enjoy a comprehensive demonstration of the package features and visit the follow-up thread on RStudio Community! to continue the discussion!
Resources mentioned in the episode
- Follow-up thread for the episode on RStudio Community
- Yang’s R-markdown demonstration of
: github.com/Yang-Tang/shinydevseries/blob/master/demo.Rmd {shinyjqui}
- Help Shiny sense the world around it: yang-tang.github.io/shinyjqui- R Packages second edition: r-pkgs.org
- Advanced R second edition: adv-r.hadley.nz
- Build websites for R packages: pkgdown.r-lib.org